Friday, November 1, 2013

Blog entry 7

The archetype I found a bit difficult to understand was the Magician. This is easy to understand when it talks about supernatural stories but relating this archetype to a real person is hard for me to understand. This appears to be a person that has a power that is unique in a story which makes them an important element in a story. For example magical being like a fairy that helps a person or people in stories that are in a quest and need help of special person that can bring them a bit of help. I feel that they can be someone wise but with a touch of specialness to them which makes them different in a good way and cause there existence to be part of an important phase of a cycle. A magician person can be very curious in understanding the way of things such as a mind works the things a person has deep inside. This would take power which a person that is under this archetype has and they would well known for their qualities. Also he or she will have people that may envy them for their good being. The people who envy them would be without connection to a image they seek and the magician has. This archetype is one of my high scores and I would like to understand it better relating to a person in real life not just make believe.

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